Here are a few images from our tenth and what proved to be our final event, held August 2003. Click on an image for a slightly larger version.On the left is the Bin X-teme crew! Yup these guys heroically speed round the site and picking up and dumping the bins. On the right is one of those jobs people don't think much about - but how do you think the hundreds of yellow armbands got made?! 
Here's a shot of our Dragon - named Bob by the staff (right) talking to the leader of Sleipner's Band.
A significant moment (left) as Loremaster Skhordaka is killed in front of The Dragon.
On the right we see a couple of shots from the Central Chamber - where they ended the world!
Nearest are some of those who took part (you might just be able to make out the little obelisks they placed crystals in). The furthest one shows the central device powering up (note the water gushing down from the crystal and the crystal key in the nearest obelisk).

Far left we see Ziustra removing one of the glowing crystals (after making sure no one is around to stop him!) to make sure the device can't be switched off. Near left we see part of the results of their efforts - err... spirit folk gone mad and the dead and dying!
Below left shows what has now been termed the sermon on the hill - where all the plot and secrets for the last five years were spilled. Finally below right are two shots of the staff gleefully consigning character and community paperwork to their final destination...