So where are you celebrating Empire Day this winter?
Have you thought of getting a ticket to the most exclusive location to celebrate it in The Empire?
The Queens Head tavern where way back on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Empire Empress Richilde, (known as the Sun Queen), made the announcement that henceforth on this day we would all celebrate the Empire that we have built with music, poems, food, drink, stories and laughter. Examples of the contests that are held can be found [here]. For the Empire Day anthem go [here for lyrics] and [here being sung]
The Queens Head is just to the north east of Anvil itself on the junction of the Brightway and Broch roads, right on the border where the regions of Astrolat, Casinea and Broceliand meet. As well as many travellers of note, the tavern is often frequented with civil servants who have travelled down from their nearby main administrative base at Castle of Thorns to the west.